5年後10年後も続く愛される定番として⑤ As a beloved classic item that will continue for 5 years and 10 years, #5. | ucacoceramics
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5月 27 2023

5年後10年後も続く愛される定番として⑤ As a beloved classic item that will continue for 5 years and 10 years, #5.



While accepting orders for pink and gray vessels, I also set aside time for creating black vessels. And finally, I have started the production with the black color I had envisioned.

シャープな黒に光り輝くプラチナ彩を   The platinum accents gleam and shine on the sharp black surface.




I wanted to create a bowl with depth because I specifically aimed to pair it with milk-based soups or vichyssoise.



After the introduction of black pottery, my desire to create using the same technique as known as Tatara , grew even stronger. I preferred not to make it in the traditional tea bowl shape produced on a potter’s wheel.



Originally, I wanted to create taller pieces even with the initial five designs, using the Tatara technique. However, at that time, I found it challenging to craft taller objects using the Tatara method, so I resorted to making cups and bowls on the potter’s wheel.


初期はお茶碗型でスタート。こちらは炊き立ての白米が引き立つのです。          I started with a tea bowl shape initially. This shape beautifully accentuates freshly cooked white rice.




While I do enjoy making bowls on the potter’s wheel, when it comes to creating bowls, I also wanted to incorporate a gentle undulation along the rim, just like in plates. Therefore, I decided that I still wanted to make bowls using the Tatara technique.



こちらはやっとタタラで深さを出せるようになり製品化したもの          Finally, I was able to achieve depth using the Tatara technique and successfully commercialized the product.





Among the dishes I frequently prepare, one of them is a mushroom potage soup. It is not only delicious but also has high nutritional value, and the fact that it is readily available at supermarkets year-round at an affordable price makes it even more appealing. Additionally, during the sweaty seasons from early summer to early autumn, dishes like vichyssoise and everyday items like yogurt are best enjoyed in this bowls made using the Tatara technique.



The spice plate is perfect for serving salt, mayonnaise, and butter as well.





Plat10(小皿)はちょっとした和え物やお漬物にも似合うし、Plat 15(取り分け皿)はフルーツをデザート仕立てにしてお客様にお出しするときにも最適です。

The Plat10 (small plate) is suitable for serving small salads and pickles, while the Plat15 (sharing plate) is perfect for presenting fruit desserts to guests.




The completion of the black pottery has significantly increased my satisfaction with table setting coordination.



Finally, the color variations that I envisioned at the beginning of the series development have become a reality.




It has been a long journey so far, but it is a cherished memory.



To be continued…


2023年5月27日 ucaco

June,1st,2023 ucaco





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