雪山に思いを馳せて作った器 Tableware crafted while reminiscing about the snowy mountains.

白と黒の釉薬の掛け合わせが生み出す雪山のような景色 A combination of white and black glazes that create a landscape reminiscent of a snowy mountain.
This is the signature collection of Japanese tableware that I have been producing since around 2010.
It is a series that is both a staple and often sold out due to its popularity.
These wares were created while reminiscing about the snowy mountains that I frequented, as I became passionate about skiing during that time. Due to the demands of my job at the company I worked for back then, I found myself drawn to the mountains. As the off-season approached, I eagerly awaited the next winter, and it was during this time that I crafted these vessels with thoughts of the snowy mountains.
SKI TRAVELには温泉とお酒がつきもの。
These vessels were crafted as sake cups and pourers to accompany my ski travels, where hot springs and alcohol are often part of the experience. When visiting different destinations, I would purchase local Japanese sake to bring back home. These are the utensils I created specifically for such occasions.
Currently, I rarely drink Japanese sake and don’t often create vessels specifically for it. However, I also developed a line of shallow bowls called “Wanzara,” which were named so because they were designed to serve small dishes that pair well with alcohol.

こちらがスタート時、最初に作ったものです。縁が欠けて金継ぎしています。この雰囲気の器としては薄く作っていて見た目よりも軽くて扱いやすいのが特徴です。 This is the very first piece I created when I started. It has a repaired rim using the traditional technique of kintsugi. As for the overall aesthetic, this vessel is intentionally made thin, making it lighter and easier to handle than it appears.
This vessel shape, which I believe enhances the beauty of the dishes when plated, is what I strive for. The unique silhouette of the shallow bowl with a tall foot and a small rim presents challenges in its production, as it is difficult to create without any trimming, resulting in a higher rate of wastage. As a result, it is not well-suited for mass production, and I currently only make small quantities of these bowls occasionally.
I’m glad to hear that this series has been popular among Japanese tableware enthusiasts. I understand that there is interest in whether or not it will be reissued. While I appreciate the support and love for this series, at the moment, I have no plans for its re-release. However, I will certainly keep the feedback in mind for future considerations. Thank you for your support and enthusiasm for this collection.
During the initial stages of production, one of my favorite ways to enjoy these vessels was by eating pasta in them. I found delight in the concept of “eating Western cuisine with Japanese tableware,” which wasn’t as widespread in dining establishments at the time. It became a special and personal experience that I thoroughly enjoyed.
Eating a simple plate of spaghetti alla Napoletana using my own handcrafted Japanese tableware instead of a white porcelain plate was, for me, the epitome of a “stylish and fulfilling moment.
On weekends, when I had some spare time, I would attempt to recreate elaborate dishes that I had enjoyed at traditional Japanese restaurants.
I would also challenge myself to come up with new menus by pondering on how to make delicious meals using limited ingredients available to me.
The act of creating pottery and cooking have always had a close and intimate relationship for me.
When I established the brand in 2018, I temporarily set aside the style of creating only one-of-a-kind Japanese tableware and began crafting “everyday use tableware for Western cuisine.” While porcelain would have been a viable option, I personally preferred the softness and warmth inherent in , which led me to start working with clay.
For me, the concept of “ceramics that resemble porcelain” held a sense of intrigue and amusement.
At that time, I had already created a wide range of Japanese tableware, and my home’s cupboards were starting to overflow. So, it became a personal delight for me to gradually gather a collection of serialized white Western-style tableware.
During the period when I couldn’t engage in Making with a potter’s wheel , which I loved dearly, due to physical reasons, I still found joy in creating pottery and discovered the pleasure and depth of a technique I wasn’t particularly skilled in, called “tatara-making.”
To Be continued
2023年5月30日 ucaco
30th of May, 2023 ucaco