お抹茶を複数人分まとめて点てたい。 I want to make matcha for several people at once.
そんなことを思って作った器がこちらです。 Here is a bowl I made with this in mind. そんなことを言うと、茶道を舐めてるとか言われそうだけど、3名分くらいをまとめて点てられるようにお抹茶を点てる為だけの片口を作りました。 I know I might be accused of licking the tea ceremony when I say this, but I made a katakuchi just for serving matcha so that I can serve it for three people at once. そもそも、そんなことを考えたのは私がお抹茶好きで、お客様が自宅へいらっしゃった際もお抹茶をお出しする機会が比較的多いからです。 The reason I thought of such a thing is because I am a matcha (powdered green tea) lover, and I have relatively many opportunities to serve matcha when guests come to my home. ただ、おひとりさま分ずつ点てていると、お茶席のような状況でない場合、皆さん、気を使ってくださり全員分が揃うのを待ってくださいます。 そうなると、一番最初に点てたお茶は泡が消え始めてあまり美しくなくなります。 However, if I am making tea for one person at a time and the situation is not like a tea ceremony, people will be very considerate and wait until everyone has had their share. If this happens, the first tea I make will start to lose its bubbles and will not be very beautiful. その状態で口にしていただくのがなんとなく嫌で、3名分ほどの量を一気に点てたいと思うようになりました。 I kind of didn't want to put it in my mouth in that state, so I began to think that I wanted to make about three servings at a time. そして、それぞれの皆様のお抹茶茶碗に注げば、器も美しいまま。一石二鳥どころか3鳥くらいありそうです。 And if I pour it into my own matcha bowl, the bowl will remain beautiful as well. It seems that we can not only kill two birds with one stone, but three birds with one stone. そんなことを思って大きめのお抹茶茶碗で小さな注ぎ口を付けた片口の様な器を作りました。 With this in mind, I made a large bowl...
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